Sleep Science Podcast
Sleep Science Podcast
S2E1:Tristan Bekinschtein - The Consciousness Boundary
In this episode, we talk to Dr Tristan Bekinschtein from the Cambridge Consciousness and Cognition Lab and discuss his research looking into the boundary between consciousness and unconsciousness.
We talk about his work in the loss of consciousness in vegetative state patients, sedation and sleep and his findings regarding brain markers which indicate when we change between these two states. We also discuss his research showing that people tend to neglect the left side of the world as they fall asleep and why this might be. We also talk about Tristan's other work in resilience and what makes our mind resilience to stressors such as poverty.
If you'd like to find out more about Tristan's work you can find a link to his research page here and a link to the Cambridge Consciousness and Cognition Lab page here.
Here are links to some of the studies mentioned in the podcast:
o P300 marker of consciousness
o Neglect of the left side of the world
o Animal or Object? Differentiation of semantic words whilst asleep
Glossary of terms from the podcast
P300 - Measured by electroencephalogram, this is a term for a spike response, occurring 300ms after an intended stimuli which is usually focused on by the participant.
Episode produced by Sophie Smith
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