Sleep Science Podcast
Sleep Science Podcast
Episode 7: Björn Rasch -Targeted Memory Reactivation
In this episode, we talk to Professor Björn Rasch about the pioneering of a process called Targeted Memory Reactivation (TMR).
TMR is a tool which can be used to selectively consolidate learnt material during sleep by pairing it with sensory stimuli such as odours or sounds during learning. This process can be used to manipulate memories during sleep and improve memory consolidation. We also discuss how TMR can interfere with consolidation and consider the pros and cons of this technique as a tool for memory manipulation.
We then go on to discuss some of Björn's other work, including how sleep can amplify the positive impacts of therapy, and how this process can be used help overcome problems like arachnophobia.
If you'd like to find out more about Björn's work you can find a link to his research page and to some key studies referenced in this episode below:
Here are links to some of the studies mentioned in the podcast:
o Targeted Memory Reactivation
o Labile or Stable
o Auditory Feedback and Memory cueing
o Arachnophobia
Glossary of terms from the podcast
Labile = unstable or easy to change
Pattern Separation = The differentiation of similar, overlapping neuronal activity into distinct, non-overlapping groups
Generalisation = grouping of similar overlapping information to a general output
Engram = a neuronal representation for the existence of a memory
Salience = of importance
Closed Loop Auditory Stimulation (CLAS) = the method of using click sounds during sleep to enhance slow oscillations
Episode produced by Penny Lewis and Sophie Smith
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